Google Search Status Dashboard

Timeline view of the official Google Search Status Dashboard, pulling data from their JSON feed.

Date Range

Area Affected

(x) = number of open incidents




Fresh content indexing issue

Started: 08/07/2024, 21:32:00
Ended: 08/07/2024, 23:21:39

Affected: Indexing


  • 09/07/2024, 09:38:38:

    We fixed the issue with indexing fresh content. There will be no more updates.

  • 09/07/2024, 09:37:45:

    There was an ongoing issue with indexing fresh content in Google Search that was affecting a small number sites. Sites may experience slower than usual indexing times.

Incident #mFyYTxqTvS3Gp9fD3JP2


June 2024 spam update

Started: 20/06/2024, 15:12:00
Ended: 27/06/2024, 16:11:00

Affected: Ranking


Incident #QdUeCQx3LRVbzQ3E7FiD


Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue

Started: 20/06/2024, 18:00:00
Ended: 21/06/2024, 04:03:40

Affected: Indexing


  • 21/06/2024, 05:06:43:

    We identified and fixed the issue with indexing. Sites may still experience some delayed indexing until the previously affected URLs have been reprocessed. There will be no more updates.

  • 21/06/2024, 05:00:58:

    Google is investigating reports about delayed indexing in Google Search. We're working on identifying the root cause. Next update will be within 12 hours.

Incident #Gjz5TP3aaDRmKsSWgWF4


There's an ongoing issue with serving some features in Google Search.

Started: 31/05/2024, 02:36:00
Ended: 31/05/2024, 15:27:00

Affected: Serving


  • 31/05/2024, 15:29:27:

    We fixed the issue with serving certain search features. There will be no more updates.

  • 31/05/2024, 13:47:47:

    There's an ongoing issue with serving some features in Google Search. We've identified the issue and we're working on a fix. Next update will be within 12 hours.

Incident #6xK73KdB1GVcQc2kRtEm